
Imagine Skype, but for the classroom. That is what ePals is capable of - connecting people from far away locations and having them come together for a common cause. The website makes it so easy to find connections by creating a detailed search, making it simple to find a class for your purpose. I especially appreciated the other classroom's descriptions because it let me know exactly what their goals were for using ePals.

The website also gave some details on previous projects. There were some that explored food around the world, music from different areas, and print resources. If I were to use this website in my classroom I would use it as an opportunity for my students to work on their social skills. They would be able to practice question asking, learning about others, and taking turns while speaking. It would be wonderful for many of their IEP goals!


  1. I think you make a great point about using the site for differentiation. Some classrooms could use it for the reasons you outline, while others would be able to use it for conversational language skills in the TL. It's such a good thing to see a site like this full of so many opportunities for learners.


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