
Twitter Chat: #edtech

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It's funny how you can know about something for years, interact with it too many times to count, and still not fully be aware of all it's capabilities. This is me with Twitter.

I've had a Twitter account for almost 10 years now and have used it enough to think that I understand all that it can do. Being assigned to "sit in" on a twitter chat proved that I, in fact, do not know everything about Twitter.

I found following a #edtech Twitter chat to be inspirational. I love how it was mostly teachers, or those that can relate to the profession, highlighting the impact we have in our field. Whether it be emphasizing all the hard work we put in, the obstacles we work to overcome, or the successes we have, Tweets were putting a smile on my face throughout the chat!

Before this chat, I have not yet felt the feeling of a community over the computer. However, once the tweets started flying in, I  immediately felt surrounded by those similar to me, even though I was in the room alone. Twitter chats have a wonderful way of connecting people and sharing valuable insight and knowledge.


  1. Did you enter the chat or just lurk? Sometimes it's tempting to lurk but if the group is welcoming, you might be tempted to enter the chat.


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