Podcast in ENL

When considering implementing a podcast into my kindergarten classroom full of students with autism I was very hesitant. I figured most podcasts would be above their level and not catered toward their learning style. They are very hands on, visual learners so having them listen to an 18 minute clip is not the most preferable activity for them.
However, I found a sample lesson that could help them in some aspects. This first sample lesson Daily English 998 - Meeting a New Neighbor would be used in my room to give my learners an idea of what a common conversation with a neighbor could sound like. My students are always working on their conversational skills, so I appreciated that this lesson gave a strong example of one.
The podcast goes further on to break the lesson down and talk about it. I would edit this part to make it an interactive debrief using the SmartBOARD. However, the fact that a breakdown of the conversation is offered is a huge plus! I can see it being helpful to ENL's that do not yet know our slang terms such as 'scoop'.
This lesson would meet indicator:
ESL.E.PK- Students view, listen to, read, gather, organize, and discuss information from various sources.
Knowing your population is key and using materials appropriately is also important. It looks and sounds like you are able to do that here. I think you have found a podcast and a method to do what works for your students.